On Thursday, May 20, Judge Marsha Revel was tough as nails on the fallen-from-grace, Lindsay Lohan. While Lohan was partying in Cannes and claiming that her Passport was stolen (although the French police have reported to US Authorities that no police report was filed), her attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, told the judge that she tried to make the flight but was turned away. Judge Revel set Lohan's bail at $100,000, which posted this morning so she will avoid arrest upon return to the States, and set several conditions upon Lohan when she returns. Most notably: Lohan will have to wear the SCRAM bracelet, which will alert authorities (by report every 30 minutes) of Lohan's blood alcohol level. Lindsay was ordered to not drink any alcohol until her formal hearing, and is to be randomly drug tested as well. Attorney Holley argued against the random drug testing, but the judge reminded her that Lindsay was charged with being under the influence of cocaine in 2007, to which the attorney responded "I don't know what else to tell you."
Although Lohan has allegedly sent out pleas to friends to find a private jet to get her back to the states, pictures as recently as this morning show her getting off a party yacht at 7:30am French time. Other pictures have surfaced of her partying during the days immediately preceding the hearing that she failed to show for. Her attorney reports that she will come back to the United States sometime today, and that they will be at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on Monday morning at 8:30am.
Will Lindsay Lohan have to finally face the music?
Looks like the Judge isn't taking any chances - it's been reported that LiLo has to wear a SCRAM bracelet at all time (even in the shower) and cannot remove it until she is given permission. No alcohol, no drugs, etc. Seems like a step in the right direction!