Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Face Book contract

Surely most of you have heard by now of the random New Yorker who claims he owns 84% of Facebook. This man, Paul Ceglia, has brought into evidence a work made for hire contract between himself and Facebook genius Mark Zuckerberg that was supposedly signed when Zuckerberg was a college sophomore.

Zuckerberg has consistently claimed to not remember signing any such contract, and reps for the Facebook guru are now calling the document a forgery. At the end of the day, even if such contract existed, what it all boils down to is to what the parties intended. If the parties intended to sign away a percentage of interest in what was or became facebook, then the contract, if genuine, would be valid. A copy of the alleged contract can be found HERE

Friday, July 16, 2010

Albie Manzo v. Seton Hall Law School

Albie Manzo, known from his fame in Real Housewives of New Jersey as the son of Caroline Manzo, is causing more of a stir after being booted from Seton Hall at the end of the year. Check out this Above the Law article for the latest...